
The listing of rental units on this site is a service to local rental property owners and University of Rhode Island students, faculty, and staff. Rental property owners are responsible for reporting information fairly and accurately, and the University of Rhode Island and Off Campus Partners cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of such information. Inclusion of any property or rental unit on this website does not constitute, and shall not be construed or reported as (1) an endorsement or approval by the University of Rhode Island or Off Campus Partners of the landlord, its properties, or its business practices, or (2) a warranty or representation by the University of Rhode Island or Off Campus Partners as to the quality, safety, or other features of such property and/or its owners or management agent(s). The University of Rhode Island and Off Campus Partners expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for any problems that may arise with regard to any property, rental unit, roommate, or message board posting on this site, or with regard to disputes between landlords and tenants, or between roommates, concerning such property, rental unit, or message board posting. All prospective tenants are encouraged to exercise their own good judgment when evaluating a prospective rental unit, landlord, roommate, or message board posting. When using this website, or any other internet service or forum for finding potential roommates or subletters, always exercise caution and common sense in your communications, exchange of information, entering financial transactions, and making arrangements for meeting unknown individuals in person. For questions about how this website works, contact Off-Campus Partners at 877-895-1234.